Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Since The Flooding

Steve and I went to The Drunken Bear today to see any changes that have happened since the flooding in January.  We were struck by how much more light we now have coming from the east.  Not only is the neighbor's house missing, but so are many of the trees that were located around that house.  The river has moved further north from the wall, but the bend where the river turns is still going to be a problem unless something is done.  The riverbed in front of the cabin is littered with a huge tree; large pieces of concrete...most likely from the house that was taken by the river; and large boulders that had been moved during the flooding.  The view from our property has dramatically changed.  To view the mountain which I think is Merchant Peak, we had to go down to the riverbed and look up we can see the peak from the property.  We hope something can be done so that this flooding and loss of homes can be stopped.

Below are a couple of pictures comparing the change in the view from our property.  The pictures are not of the best quality, but you can get an idea of the dramtic change.

This was the view we formerly saw...notice the trees on the right.

This is the view we now have.

I think this peak is called Merchant Peak...
it is towards the right on the picture above this one.

The Loss of A Neighbor's Home

This was the neighbor's house before the flood.  This picture was
taken on March 6, 2009.  They had already lost their gazebo
and outdoor seating area and knew it would be just a matter
of time before the house was taken.
Steps to the door are the only remains of the neighbor's home

In January of this year, La Nina did her damage in the Pacific Northwest.  Rain was pouring down and the snow was melting...a deadly combination.  I knew the North Fork of the Skykomish River would be near flood stage and wanted to see what was happening at The Drunken Bear.  When I arrived at the property I immediately noticed a change...a neighbor's house was no longer there.  This house was located at the bend in the river just east of our cabin.  This neighbor had lost their patio and all of the land in front of their home last year.  The house was sitting on the bank of the river, but below it were some very huge boulders.  We had been hoping the boulders would keep the river from tearing away the bank any further, but if you have ever been near flood waters, you know how forceful they can be.  If nothing is done, the erosion could continue and would eventually take out the rock wall protecting our property.  Worse than that however, it could also cause the loss of all the houses west of us as they are very close to the river's edge.  We have not heard any news on any plans to extend the wall, but hope something will be done.

The following are short videos I took on that day.

1.  View of the river in front of The Drunken Bear.

2.  This is where the neighbor's home once stood.

3.  Steps are the only reminder of the former home.

4.  The Drunken Bear is set back from the river.

5.  Index-Galena Road is a tributary to the river.

6.  A small creek swells and adds to the havoc.