Sunday, August 21, 2011

'Tis The Season

...for berries!  This might have been a cold summer, but the berry bushes have been covered in fruit.  We have been eating the wild huckleberries for quite some time...using them in pancakes and atop our well as just picking them and popping the fruit into our mouths.  The small wild blackberries have also produced quite a crop and are very tasty.  Drop a few in your pancake batter and you have a sumptuous breakfast.

A little cream cheese and wild huckleberries

Notice the small size of the wild blackberries

Saturday, August 20, 2011

If They Can Do It, I Can Do It

People, including me, are always building these very neat and balanced rock sculptures on the beach (rocks) at the edge of the river in front of The Drunken Bear.

Well, I had to do some balancing on these too...the table was not entirely flat.  I thought they looked kind of fun...especially when it is the $9.00 a foot Pan Abode logs.  We used some of these logs to form the base of the wood shed we are building.  These were left over pieces...and soon to be fire fodder, so I thought I would give them their last hooray!

Gunn's Peak At Midday And Sunset